Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Premature Ejaculation
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Orgasm is the purpose of a sexual relationship. A fun and delicious is experienced by each individual differently. Orgasm in men is characterized by events ejaculation (semen memancarnya). However, not all women can really feel the orgasm in a sexual relationship.
Information and knowledge about sex more easily and widely available, causing her "demanding" an enjoyable experience from their partners. Lack of sex knowledge, lack of communication and a misunderstanding of the sexual activity, including orgasm, can cause sexual problems will hurt both sides.
A normal male sexual response is in principle different from a normal female sexual response. A man can be quickly aroused sexual urges and sexually aroused, but also will quickly achieve sexual satisfaction. In contrast to a woman who needs more time to be sexually aroused, but for a long time will remain in a state of arousal before achieving sexual satisfaction. This principle needs to be understood in a conjugal relationship in bed. It is therefore important heating process (fore play) before sexual intercourse. The husband needs to stimulate his first wife, as far as possible without becoming aroused beforehand (ie without undressing). Setting the time to begin arousal and orgasm together (or at least nearly the same time) will make sex a pleasurable experience both sides.
The response is "too" quick to achieve sexual satisfaction in a man, which is characterized by ejaculation before desired, often found among men. The word "too fast" is actually very individual and subjective If it can not be accepted by the spouse, can only be said to be a sexual problem. Can also occur, a man who is actually "normal" in achieving orgasm and ejaculation, but because his wife longer aroused and with the hope that more to get an orgasm, eventually leading to the perception of premature ejaculation. If the problem of premature ejaculation is allowed to drag on, often causing worries that dragged on a man in the sexual activity, then reducing the frequency of sex, even in the end affect erection problems.
Is it Premature Ejaculation?
The definition of premature ejaculation practically be defined as a persistent or recurrent inability to delay ejaculation knowingly, during or shortly after penetration or with minimal sexual stimulation. The criteria set by the time the experts vary greatly. Someone give 1-7 minute time limit, there is a limit even 8-15 times friction. The measurement of time is of course practically impossible to do.
Such as sexual dysfunction, premature ejaculation (ED) is a symptom / symptom of pathological covering aspects of intrapsychic, relational, genetic, and medical, more than just a disease or disorder. Therefore, the clinical approach to the case of ED should consider accompanying diseases or disorders, whether physical or psychological.
Intrapsychic aspect meant that a man has a relatively low threshold to achieve sexual satisfaction, so that sexual activity is relatively short to orgasm - while ejaculating. One factor is the effect of masturbation habit when young, the proceeds of which masturbation is done in a hurry (for reasons of space, lack of privacy, etc.).
In addition to the accompanying psychological factors, ED is also influenced by the organic / physical, from the aspect of genetic (inherited trait from their parents) and abnormalities of brain function (the hypothalamus and the limbic system) and the sex organ dysfunction itself. Based on these clinical assumptions, the cause may be psychogenic ED (is the cause) and organic. Psychosocial approach (psychodynamic) from psikoseksologis and organic approaches / medical andrologis required to handle the ED.
Ejaculation in human evolution progressing accompanying male sexuality. In animals, the male genitalia are prepared to be able to ejaculate in a fast and secure way as an adaptation mechanism (coitus Citus). For example, chimpanzees took 6 seconds to get close to her partner, penetration and ejaculation. Unlike humans, sexual activity in humans involves the aspect of pleasure (pleasure), so the ability to control ejaculation necessary in psychosexual relationship.
Waldinger (2002) noted that the reported cases of ED have not been there until 1887. A psychoanalyst, K. Abraham, introduced the term ejakulatio praecox in 1917. Kinsey (1948), rejected ED as sexual dysfunction, as in research on human sexuality, found that 75% of men will experience premature 2 minutes after penetration. ED becomes an important issue in men's sexual performance, since the evolution of feminism in the mid 1960s, with the introduction of orgasm in women.
Cause of Premature Ejaculation
In addition to psychological factors mentioned above, some of the things associated with the physical and medical factors contributing to the occurrence of ED. Consumption of certain medications and low testosterone levels, abnormalities in the nervous system (spinal cord and both central nervous system), as well as abnormalities of the genital organs (penis hypersensitivity, chronic inflammation of the prostate) is said to be physical causes premature ejaculation.
How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation
Married couples usually wait 2 years or more, before coming to the doctor's office for help. Openness to convey the background to the problem of premature ejaculation is indispensable in an interview with a physician, either the man himself or his partner, to find the cause of psychological. In addition to helping find solutions cause psychological problems, your doctor will usually recommend some exercises to be practiced by couples. Some of these are: the technique of "sensate focus", behavioral therapy and exercise Kaegel.
The technique of "sensate focus" intended to allow patients to learn to recognize pre pleasant experience during orgasm, to determine when the "orgasmic point of no return" and differentiate the excitement and orgasm phase. In this technique are expected both partners are able to provide sexual stimulation on the body other than the genitals, do genital stimulation to get an erection without orgasm (with technique "squeeze" and "start-stop"), having sex with the woman on top, and followed by sex with a variation of the position.
Behavioral therapy is a counseling session to help resolve conflicts, solve problems and overcome other psychiatric abuse of alcohol and drugs. In these counseling sessions will focus on the couple, that couples therapy is needed to prevent misperceptions of the ED, reduce stress, improve intimacy and communication skills about sex, and improve therapeutic efficacy.
Kegel exercises are exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles (muscles pubokoksigeus) that play a role in the regulation of ejaculation during sex do. A man needs to know in advance to practice pelvic floor muscles, with the practice of "holding urine". By knowing which muscles are contracting at holding urine, the further the muscles can be trained without hold urine longer. In a brief statement Kegel exercises: The first step, muscle contraction pubokoksigeus 5 seconds, relax 5 seconds (repeat 5 times), followed the second step, muscle contraction pubokoksigeus 5 times as quickly as possible in one session, repeat the procedure 1 and 2 above 5 times, 5 training sessions per day.
In addition to counseling, therapy and exercise therapy, can also be added to drugs to cope with premature ejaculation and to address other medical problems that may accompany premature ejaculation.
Given the subjective factor is high enough on the issue of premature ejaculation, a man, including his partner, need to be wise to address this issue. The time it takes to reach orgasm in a sexual relationship is determined by both partners individually. Often one compares the time it takes to reach orgasm with another person, so make it look like premature ejaculation, but as long as both partners are sexually satisfied, it is no longer a sexual problem.
Not infrequently a man feels too fast (mostly to prolong) ejaculation and seek ways and treatment, which ended up having problems. Wanna Free from Premature Ejaculation????? Click Here!
Friends, if sexual activity is not important, it is certainly a lot of sexual activity affect a man's quality of life and will affect family harmony. In some studies; mentioned that sexual satisfaction would affect the physical or mental condition of a man, through the production of certain hormones, as achieving sexual satisfaction (orgasmus).
Sexual activity generally has three roles / functions:
1. To obtain offspring.
2. For recreational purposes.
3. For communication purposes husband and wife.
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To achieve sexual satisfaction, then there are a few things to note:
1. Environmental conditions.
2. Good health,
3. Mr. erection quality. "P". (Hardness).
4. Emotional condition partner (wife).
In a state of sexual stimulation a man gets, there will be:
1. Do not have a response.
2. Response occurs just "erection".
3. Adequate erection, but was unable to maintain the condition much longer. ("Peltu" alias stuck Metu).
4. Strong erection (score 4), but still not able to maintain these conditions to provide satisfaction to their partners.
5. Strong erection (score 4) and can control / maintain the condition to be able to give satisfaction to their partners.
As is known from the results of several studies suggest that the occurrence of erection Mr. P is due to several factors:
1. Vascular factors.
2. Factors neural tube.
3. Psychological factors.
4. Hormonal factors.
5. Environmental factors.
Therefore: to achieve maximum sexual satisfaction, it is necessary to maintain the physical and mental condition and good communication. In several studies that the disease progressed greatly affect the function DIABETES sexual activity. Actually there are a lot of diseases or certain drugs that have a negative impact on sexual function. Include: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, obesity, certain cholesterol medications, certain penenan drugs, drugs for certain stomach diseases, and many others.
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"TIPS" to be done:
1. Keep good communication, polite and orderly with a partner.
2. Try to exercise regularly and correctly.
3. Try to eat healthy foods as the "HEALTHY".
4. Try not to use drugs freely as yet unknown function.
If necessary consult competent.
Teman , Kegiatan seksual kalau bukan merupakan hal yang penting, maka yang pasti kegiatan seksual banyak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas hidup seorang pria dan selanjutnya akan mempengaruhi keharmonisan keluarga.
Dalam beberapa penelitian; disebutkan bahwa kepuasan seksual akan mempengaruhi kondisi fisik maupun mental seorang pria, melalui produksi hormon-hormon tertentu, pada saat pencapaian kepuasan seksual ( orgasmus ).
Kegiatan seksual secara umum mempunyai tiga peranan / fungsi:
1. Untuk memperoleh keturunan.
2. Untuk tujuan rekreasi.
3. Untuk tujuan komunikasi suami-isteri.
Untuk mencapai kepuasan seksual, maka ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan:
1. Kondisi lingkungan.
2. Kondisi kesehatan yang baik,
3. Kualitas ereksi Mr. “P”. ( kekerasan ).
4. Kondisi emosional pasangannya ( isteri ).
Pada keadaan seorang pria mendapat rangsangan seksual, maka akan terjadi :
1. Tidak mempunyai respon.
2. Terjadi respon yang hanya sekedar “ereksi “.
3. Terjadi ereksi yang memadai, tetapi tidak mampu mempertahankan kondisi tersebut lebih lama. ( “peltu” alias Nempel Metu ).
4. Terjadi ereksi yang kuat ( score 4 ), tetapi masih belum mampu mempertahankan kondisi tersebut untuk memberikan kepuasan kepada pasangannya.
5. Terjadi ereksi yang kuat ( score 4 ) dan dapat mengontrol / mempertahankan kondisi tersebut sampai dapat memberikan kepuasan kepada pasangannya.
Seperti diketahui dari hasil beberapa penelitian mengatakan bahwa proses terjadinya ereksi Mr. P adalah akibat beberapa faktor :
1. Faktor pembuluh darah.
2. Faktor pembuluh saraf.
3. Faktor kejiwaan.
4. Faktor hormonal.
5. Faktor lingkungan.
Oleh karena itu; untuk mencapai kepuasan seksual yang maksimal, maka perlu menjaga kondisi fisik dan mental serta komunikasi yang baik.
Pada beberapa penelitian mengemukan bahwa penyakit DIABETES sangat mempengaruhi fungsi kegiatan seksual tersebut.
Sebenarnya masih banyak penyakit atau obat-obatan tertentu yang mempunyai dampak negatif terhadap fungsi seksual.
Antara lain : Tekanan darah tinggi, kolesterol tinggi, trigliserida tinggi, kegemukan, obat kolesterol tertentu, obat penenan tertentu, obat untuk penyakit lambung tertentu, serta masih banyak lainnya.
“TIPS” yang harus dilakukan :
1. Usahakan komunikasi secara baik, santun dan teratur dengan pasangan.
2. Usahakan olahraga teratur dan benar.
3. Usahakan konsumsi makanan-makanan yang “SEHAT”.
4. Usahakan tidak memakai obat-obat secara bebas yang belum diketahui fungsinya. Bila perlu konsultasikan dengan yang kompeten.
Untuk berkonsultasi lebih lanjut soal permasalahan seks yang anda alami, silahkan mengirimkan email ke : terapihijauku@gmail.com
Monday, November 12, 2012
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